dilluns, 30 de juliol del 2007

USA (v7): discovering Boston

We have to thank Seth and Meg for taking us to their city, Boston, and letting us stay at their place. By the way, the tour around the city was great. We like Boston and the massholes...

(Pictures: A. Mayol, E. Molina, M. Abramowitz)

diumenge, 29 de juliol del 2007

USA (v6): weekending in New Haven

We spent the weekend with Jaideep, Kristen and the kids in New Haven. It was very nice to meet again and play with Kavi and Nayan. Thank you for everything. As we said, we'll keep the exchange student culture for years and years. Seth and Meg came on Sunday and we all visited Yale. Here there are some pictures!

(Pictures: A. Mayol, A. Talwalkar)

dissabte, 28 de juliol del 2007

USA (v5): partying New York

So party was awesome and it was great to see that many people 10 years after...

(Pictures: A. Talwalkar, random newyorker)

USA (v4): walking New York

Fourth day. Ending the tour and enjoying the art and the nature that the city offers us...

Tonight, party with people from high school...

(Pictures: A. Mayol, E. Molina, A. Talwalkar)

divendres, 27 de juliol del 2007

USA (v3): breathing New York

Our third day and we start getting it. We saw the liberty, the immigration processes and some other parts of the city. We were in a party at Brooklyn which it was a pretty good sociologic experience. We took some reflections about wild capitalism. We'll keep thinking before conclusions...

(Pictures: A. Mayol, E. Molina)

dijous, 26 de juliol del 2007

USA (v2): living New York

Our second day in the city, we are on...

(Pictures: A. Mayol, E. Molina, random newyorkers)

dimarts, 24 de juliol del 2007

USA (v1): getting to New York

Este teclado no tiene acentos. Es una buena oportunidad para materializar el objetivo plurilingue de este modesto blog.

So we are here in New York, in our second night in the city, breathing its atmosphere...

We have found ourselves and our names:

We have done a typical and exhaustive tour led by our dear leader and host Ameet:

And we have met with some people (Darryl and Kim who are getting married next year):

(Pictures: A. Mayol, E. Molina)

Seguiremos informando...